Weston Wamp

Future 40 class of 2021

Weston Wamp

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Weston Wamp is the founder of the Millennial Debt Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on bringing generational leadership to bear to address the country's runaway national debt. MDF’s Debt Commission and Stewardship Series events have served as some of the most important forums in recent years about the fiscal future of America, featuring many of the most prominent conservative and moderate voices in U.S. politics.

Wamp also hosts the popular "Swamp Stories" podcast which features stories about how Washington really works and nonpartisan reforms to clean up corruption in American politics.. Prior to launching MDF in 2019, Wamp was an early stage investor, raising one of the best known venture funds in the South. In 2014, at 27 years old, Wamp came within a percentage point of unseating his incumbent Congressman. 

In 2019, Wamp was appointed to the Tennessee Board of Regents by Governor Bill Lee. He lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with his wife Shelby and their four young children.