Mason Morgan, Co-Founder and Executive Director
Dallas, Texas
Mason Morgan was born and raised in Dallas, Texas where he gained an interest in politics and public service during his senior year of High School. This interest in politics and public service led Mason to Des Moines, Iowa as a student Drake University in hopes of getting involved with the Iowa Caucuses. The four years that Mason spent in Iowa were “well worth the cold weather” as he would say. While an undergrad, Mason spent as much time at campaign offices as he did on campus.
After finishing his degree, Mason returned to warmer weather in Texas and worked as a Constituent Services Liaison for US Senator John Cornyn for roughly 2 years and later moved to the Senator’s re-election campaign as Regional Director overseeing Denton and Dallas counties.
Following a successful re-election for Senator Cornyn, Mason moved to new territory where he co-founded and has led operations as the Executive Director for a newly formed 501(c)4 called Run GenZ. Since getting off the ground, Run GenZ has connected with thousands of young conservatives from Maine to California and has built the largest coalition of young conservative elected officials the country has ever seen. Run GenZ is the premier organization on the right recruiting and mentoring young conservatives to run for public office.